PHOENIX – Democratic Leaders Senator Priya Sundareshan and Representative Oscar De Los Santos have called for the Attorney General to investigate the Isaac School District for their mismanagement of more than $20 million. This month, the Arizona State Board of Education put the district, serving roughly 5,000 students, under receivership after the full scope of financial mismanagement was revealed. The superintendent has announced his intent to resign, and Democratic Leadership sent a letter to Attorney General Mayes today to move forward and ensure our educators are not only made whole for not being paid yesterday but are paid for the work they are doing today, tomorrow, and in the coming weeks.
“The House and Senate Democratic caucuses proudly support public education in our state, but that support also means we will never turn a blind eye to such blatant mismanagement. District public schools, unlike charter schools or private schools, are designed and operated to be accountable to the public. If this kind of malfeasance had occurred in another kind of school, the public would never know. The doors could be closed without any notice to the families, and no one would know anything untoward had happened. But not so with our district public schools.
They are accountable to the communities they serve, which demand transparency and honest dealings. We demand that same accountability, and we stand with the Isaac School District community.
Today, we have officially requested the Attorney General to do an investigation of the Isaac School District for their mismanagement of over $20 million.”