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Sep 2, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Andrade remembers Victory over Japan Day
FOR IMMIEDIATE RELEASE Sept 2, 2020 PHOENIX - Today marks the 75th anniversary of the formal surrender of Japan, marking the end of World...

Sep 1, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Rep. Teller Calls on Gov Ducey to Meet with Concerned White Mountain Business Owners
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 1, 2020 SHOW LOW, Arizona – Rep. Arlando Teller is inviting Gov. Ducey to meet directly with struggling...

Aug 14, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Terán Statement on Trump Sabotaging U.S. Post Office
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 14, 2020 PHOENIX, State Capitol – Rep. Raquel Terán released the following statement today in response to...

Aug 13, 2020
Initiative Backers and Leg Dems 3 for 3 on Lawsuits Over GOP Bias in Publicity Pamphlet Language
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Aug 13, 2020 Initiative Backers and Leg Democrats 3 for 3 on Lawsuits Over GOP Bias in Publicity Pamphlet Language...

Jul 31, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: House Democrats Statement on Invest in Ed Court Loss and Appeal
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 31, 2020 PHOENIX – House Democratic Leader Charlene Fernandez released the following statement today after a...

Jul 29, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Butler, Bolding Speak Out Against In-Person Classroom Requirement for AZ Foster Kids
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 29, 2020 PHOENIX – House Democratic Co-whip Reginald Bolding and Rep. Kelli Butler spoke out today against a...

Jul 29, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Rodriguez, Blanc Call for Extension of UI Benefits, Rent Assistance Amid COVID-19
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 29, 2020 PHOENIX— With the end of a federally funded $600-per-week unemployment boost this weekend, tens of...

Jul 24, 2020
MEDIA ALERT: Chávez, Hispanic Rotary, Host Maryvale Drive-Thru Food Giveaway
MEDIA ALERT July 24, 2020 PHOENIX – Rep. César Chávez and members of the Hispanic Rotary Club of Phoenix will hold a drive-through food...

Jul 23, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: 'Long Past Time' -- Bolding Statement on Removal of Confederate Memorials
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 23, 2020 PHOENIX – Rep. Reginald Bolding, Chairman of Arizona's African American Legislative Caucus, released...

Jul 16, 2020
Dear Governor Ducey, We urge you to extend your March Eviction Prevention Executive Order 2020-14, scheduled to expire less than one week...

Jul 15, 2020
House and Senate Democrats letter opposing proposed federal rules changes on asylum
Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Lauren Alder Reid, Assistant Director, Office of Policy, Executive Office for Immigration Review, 5107 Leesburg...

Jul 13, 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Chavez Praises West Valley COVID Testing Surge
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 13, 2020 PHOENIX – Rep. César Chávez praised an effort announced by Gov. Ducey last week to embark on a...
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